Three Londoners | London * . *

Three Londoners


Under Westminster bridge. A triple candid! Actually, probably none of them were Londoners, the woman was probably a tourist, the photographer was probably there for the day and the accordion player in the stripy jumper must almost certainly have been French lol..

Black and white challenge Number 3.

I’ve been challenged by LaraZee to post five black and white pictures on five consecutive days (that’s one on each of the five days), and on each of those days to challenge another person to do the same. This is my third in the challenge….

The third person I’m going to ask to take up this challenge of five black and white images in five days is Maggie’s Camera. (You don’t have to do it Maggie, and if you do decide to take up the challenge, you don’t have to do it straight away…)

I took this picture in London last September, I kind of liked it but its not "art" so I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it. I thought the mono conversion suited the picture, so here it is.

Posted by Izzy Standbridge on 2015-01-11 16:59:00

Tagged: , london 2014 september , candid , photographer , woman , busker , westminster bridge

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