Commemorating the Lisbon Maru: A Special Reception in London
On February 22, 2025, Chinese Ambassador Zheng Zeguang addressed a gathering honoring families of the Lisbon Maru survivors in London. The event was hosted by the Chinese Embassy to pay tribute to the remarkable rescue that took place during World War II while also celebrating the Spring Festival. (Photo by Stephen Chung/Xinhua)
reception honoring Lisbon Maru survivors’ families.” src=”” />
Denise Wynne, whose father Dennis Morley survived the incident, shares her thoughts at the reception for Lisbon Maru survivors held in London on February 22, 2025. (Photo by Stephen Chung/Xinhua)
Kenneth Salmon recounts his father’s dramatic escape from the stricken Lisbon Maru at the gathering for families of those involved on February. (Photo by Stephen Chung/Xinhua)
Attendees joined hands to sing “Auld Lang Syne,” creating an atmosphere of remembrance and unity among descendants of those rescued during this tragic moment in history.
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Historical Context and Significance
In October of1942,during World WarII,theLisbonMaru,a cargo ship commandeeredbyJapanese forces,tookonmore than180BritishPOWsfortransportationfromHongKongtoJapan.Unfortunately,it was intercepted and sunkbyU.S.troops nearZhoushanIslands off China’s Zhejiang Province.During this chaotic time,local fishermen demonstrated incredible bravery as they savedover300prisonersamidthe chaos.
This year heralds animportant milestone marking80years sinceboth China’sresistanceagainstJapaneseaggressionandthe global effort against fascism achieved victory.
Reflections from Attendees
Duringthe ceremony,AmbassadorZhengZeguangrecalledthese courageous actswithgreat reverence,arguing thatthiseventhighlights howChinaandBritainjointly battled fascist threats.The ambassador pointed out that these shared experiences have forged deep ties between peoples which he emphasized need to be preserved going forward as invaluable assetsin diplomatic relations.
As parting remarks echoed through theroom,thefamilies gatheredtoholdhandsandsinginunisonas ashimmeringexpressionofrememberance filledthereception space.
LindseyArcher,a nieceofoneofsoldierslostduringthat heartbreakingtragedy,told Xinhau howsuchceremoniesbridge connectionsandreinvigoratefriendshipsamongdescendants,specifyingthatthefamiliesofbothsurvivorsandrescuershaveformedaclose-knit community.Herheartfelt dedicationtowarding keeping thememoryalive—rooted inthe sacrifices made—is vital,sheadded,because“whatthey endured hasdefinedourpresent.”
Last year,Lindseyjoined KennethSalmon,parentwhosefatherwasalso saved–onatruetriptoChinawherepeoplehonoredthosewholosttheir livesatthewreckage site nearZhoushan—a powerful experience reflecting emotional connections built through loss yet positivity stemming fromsharedheritage.
Kenneth expressed pride inobserving children attendevent appraisingchancesforyoungergenerations topass downtalesoftheirancestors’legacieswhilebreathingvitality back into meaningsthat continue inspiring alongsidecollectivehistorymovingforward.
A Glimpse into History Through Photography
As anintegralpartofthegathering,a photographyexhibitionmountedhighlightedchangesthat haveoccurredinthefighttopreservethehistorypeople around Lisboa Muruhave always cherished..